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Variations Profiles
Updated over a week ago

What are Variations Profiles and what benefits do they provide?

Variations Profiles are most valuable for sellers who have multiple (or even all) products that contain the same variations/options. For example, if you were selling t-shirts and had 500 unique listings, yet each t-shirt was offered in "Size" (e.g. XS, S, M, L, XL) and "Color" (e.g. Red, Green, Blue), then you could create one Variations Profile and apply it to all 500 listings rather than having to renter or copy the variations/options for each listing. If relevant, individual prices, quantities and SKUs can also be included for each variation as part of a profile.

This alone can help to save countless hours of tedious work, but we have a lot more to come, including detailed analytics, insights and recommendations, so that you can not only work more efficiently, but also understand how profiles are performing and what can be done to improve these results.

How do I create a new Variations Profile?

  1. Go to the "Profiles" section, which is listed as the second icon on the main lefthand sidebar.

  2. Select "Variations" under "Profile Type" and click "Create profile", located in top right hand corner.

  3. Enter a name for the profile in the "Profile name" field.

  4. Enter all the variations/options that you'd like to include in the profile. If relevant prices, quantities, and SKUs can be included as well, but these are optional. Note: For Etsy you must select category(s) first as these will impact the variations/options available to select.

  5. Click "Save".

How do I connect listings to a Variations Profile?

Option #1: via Profiles

  1. Click "Connect listings" (located on the bottom bar of each profile) which will open a pop-up.

  2. Use the filters and/or search to identify the listings that you would like to connect. Note: Listings already connected to the selected profile will be disabled.

  3. Select individual listings or click "Select all".

  4. Click "Connect listings".

Option #2: via Bulk Edit > Variations

  1. Go to the "Listings" section, which is listed as the first icon on the main lefthand sidebar.

  2. Select the listings that you would like to connect to a particular profile.

  3. Click "Edit listings", which will bring your to the bulk editing page.

  4. Go to the "Variations" section.

  5. Select the profile you'd like to apply from the "Choose profile" dropdown.

  6. Click "Apply".

  7. Click "Sync updates".

How do I remove listings from a Variations Profile?

  1. Click "Show" (located on the bottom bar of each profile) which will expand to show all listings connected to that profile.

  2. Click the remove icon for any listing that you would like to disconnect from that profile. Note: Removing a listing(s) from a profile will NOT delete the variations from that listing(s), but will simply disconnect it from the profile and thus any updates made to the profile will not be applied to those listings.

If I apply a Variations Profile will it replace my existing variations?

Yes. If you apply a profile to listings that already contain variations, those listings existing variations/options will be replaced by those contained in the profile.

Is it possible to edit a listing once it’s connected to a Variations Profile?

Yes. Even is a listing(s) is connected to a profile you can still update its variations/options individually within the "Variations" section. For example, if you had 500 listings that all contained the same variations/options, but 10 of them included an extra option, then you could apply the profile to all of them and then just add the extra option to those 10 listings directly.

How do I edit a Variations Profile?

  1. Click the "Edit" button (located in the top right hand corner of each profile) or just click into a text field or dropdown within the profile you'd like to edit.

  2. Perform whatever additions, edits, and/or updates you like.

  3. Click the "Save" dropdown and then select "Update current profile" if you'd like the updates performed to be saved for that profile and applied to any connected listings, OR select "Save as new profile" if you'd like to keep the original profile and save the updated profile as a new profile.

How do I copy a Variations Profile from one shop to another?

Click the "Copy" dropdown (located in the top right hand corner of each profile) and select the shop you'd like the profile to be copied too. If you only have one shop connected in Vela then only that shop will appear in the dropdown.

If you have multiple shops connected (even if from both Etsy and Shopify) then all of your connected shops will appear in the dropdown and you can copy a profile from any shop/channel to any shop/channel you like. If copying a profile from Etsy to Shopify or from Shopify to Etsy, you may have to fill in additional details specific to that channel, but all of the information contained in the original profile will be retained.

How do I delete a Variations Profile?

  1. Click the "Delete" button (located in the top right hand corner of each profile).

  2. Click the "Delete" button in the confirmation pop-up, or "Cancel" if you decide not to delete the profile.

Is there a limit to the number of Variations Profiles I can create?

No. 10 profiles will be displayed per page, but you can create as many profiles as you wish.

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