Vela allows you to easily increase, decrease, or change the available quantity of your listings in bulk or individually. Follow the steps below to update your inventory.
Increase Quantities
Select “Increase by” from the Bulk Edit dropdown.
Enter the amount you want to add to the existing quantities.
Click “Apply”.
Click “Sync Updates” to finalize the changes.
Decrease Quantities
Select “Decrease by” from the Bulk Edit dropdown.
Enter the amount you want to subtract from the existing quantities.
Click “Apply”.
Click “Sync Updates” to apply the changes.
Change Quantities
Select “Change to” from the Bulk Edit dropdown.
Enter the new quantity to replace the existing quantities for all selected listings.
Click “Apply”.
Click “Sync Updates” to save the changes.
Updating a Single Quantity
Click directly into the Quantity field of the listing you want to update
Enter the new quantity.
Click “Sync Updates” to apply the change.
💡 For detailed guidance, we highly recommend watching our video walkthroughs: