If you make updates directly in your shop (e.g., on Etsy), those changes won’t automatically appear in Vela. You’ll need to refresh your shop to ensure everything stays up to date.
How to refresh your shop:
To ensure your data stays current, we recommend refreshing your shop every 24 hours, especially if you have a large catalog or frequently updated listings.
Here’s how:
Navigate to the Listings page in Vela.
Click “Refresh Shop” at the top of the screen.
Wait a few moments while Vela syncs your latest shop data.
ℹ️ Important Notes:
If a refresh hasn’t been performed in several days or if your shop has a high listing count, the process may take a bit longer but typically completes in just a few minutes.
While a refresh is in progress, you won’t be able to make edits in that shop. However, you can switch to another connected shop and continue working there.
Understanding Refresh Status Indicators:
🟢 Green Dot: Indicates your shop was refreshed within the last 24 hours.
🔴 Red Dot: Signifies that more than 24 hours have passed since the last refresh. If you see a red dot, it’s advisable to click “Refresh Shop” to ensure your data is fully updated.
Regularly refreshing your shop in Vela ensures that all changes made directly in your shop are accurately reflected, maintaining consistency across platforms.
For a visual guide on refreshing your shop, you can watch this walkthrough: