Here’s how to update get changes made in Vela to appear in your shop:
Updating an Individual Listing
Open the individual listing
Make any necessary changes to the listing
Click “Publish” (bottom right) to apply your changes
Click “Active” if you want the listing to go live. If you're not ready for the listing to be live, click "Draft" instead
Updating a Variation Profile
Open the variation profile on the left side bar
Make any necessary changes to the profile
Click "Save" to store your changes
Click "Update Profile" to automatically update any listings attached to that profile in your shop.
While updates typically take a few minutes to appear in your shop, larger updates (e.g., 500+ listings) may take up to 24 hours due to marketplace rate limits. If your updates don’t appear after the expected time, try refreshing your shop or clearing your cookies in your browser.