We’re sorry to hear you’re having trouble syncing updates. Here’s some common problems and steps you can try to resolve them:
Undoing or Overriding Synced Changes
Once updates sync to Vela and Etsy/Shopify, they cannot be undone. However, you can perform a new update in Vela and sync it to override previous changes.
Copied Listings Not Syncing or Appearing
When copying listings between shops, some may not appear as expected because they aren’t automatically published. Here’s why:
Copied listings go to the “Copy” tab in the destination shop, not directly to active status.
Listings in the “Copy” tab are marked as Complete (green) or Incomplete (red).
Incomplete listings have errors or missing information that must be fixed before publishing.
Review and fix any issues, then publish them manually (individually or in bulk).
To resolve this, check the “Copy” tab, locate listings with red “Copy” badges, correct any errors, and publish them.
General Sync Troubleshooting Steps
Clearing cookies can resolve browser-related sync issues. Alternatively, try accessing your shop in an incognito/private browsing mode.
Wait for Updates to Sync
Large updates may take time to reflect on your storefront.
Apply large updates (e.g., photos) in smaller batches to avoid delays.
Keep listing profiles under 500 listings to prevent rate-limit issues.
If you have over 2,500 listings or numerous variations, update in batches of 500 or fewer.
Check Listings for Incomplete or Incorrect Fields
Common issues include:
The visibility for a given variation is set to “off.”
Missing required fields or invalid data.
Refresh Your Shop in Vela
Click “Refresh Shop” in Vela to reapply changes.
Note: This differs from simply reloading your browser.